Contact Honey Hearted Earth

We Might as Well Be Love

Honey Hearted Earth provides preventative care for the body, mind, home, and planet.

We believe in lovingly leaving behind a legacy of flowers, bees, clean water, uplifting messages, and sustainable medicine. That’s why we give you easy access to bee traps, sustainable water filters, tinctures, and melodic creations that nurture the body, mind, and spirit.

Honey Hearted Earth is rooted in these core values:

✓ Seventh-generation thinking

✓ Ecological consciousness

✓ Universal well-being

As we share our creations and favorite brands with you, we focus on the growth of all living beings – not just humans.

Instead of quick (and seemingly convenient) fixes that harm ecosystems, we offer solutions that create personal abundance and environmental thriving.

For conscious homeowners and people who want to cultivate a “honey hearted earth,” we make it easier to live kindly and sustainably. Kristie, health advocate and founder of Honey Hearted Earth, is happy to help you get started.

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